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How to Protect your Floors from your Pet

Jul 29, 2014 | Upholstery Cleaning

How to Protect your Floors from your Pet

Pets bring joy, happiness, and companionship to our home, but they also may bring in some unwanted guests. Every time our pet walks into our home, they are bringing a variety of dirt with them as well. Over time, this dirt can be very damaging to floors and carpets. However, it is not necessary to kick your dog out yet. We have some simple and effective solutions to prevent this problem and keep the dust and dust where they belong.

A recent study has found that homes with dogs have a larger number and variety of dust than those without dogs. Pets track in mud, dust, dirt, and other allergens on their paws every time they go outside.

Quick Resolutions

Fortunately there are many ways to protect our homes. One of the simplest solutions is to keep a mat at your doorstep. A mat will help trap the majority of the dirt from your pet’s paws before they can enter the house.

By giving your pet’s paws a quick wipe after they have been outside you can eliminate a lot of the dirt in your house. This is a great way to help eliminate some of the allergens that might otherwise be tracked into your home.

Bathing your pet regularly is another essential step to protect your home. Placing a mat at your door and wiping your pet’s feet can help prevent some dust from entering your house, but it is always a good idea to bath your pet regularly to remove dust from all parts of the animal.

Even by following these three guidelines meticulously, it is inevitable that your pet will track in some dirt into your home. For this reason it is essential to establish routine cleaning habits. For tiled and hardwood floors, it is important to mop the area on a regular basis, paying special attention to those areas right by the door. Pay special attention to high traffic areas, these spots will hold the most dust.

If you have carpeted floors, you should vacuum at least twice a week. This can eliminate many unwanted dust. At least a couple times a year, it is very important to get your carpets professionally cleaned.

Be prepared to follow these steps to prevent large amounts of dust from entering your home. These steps are not only to keep your house clean, but also to keep you and your family healthy.


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